
The TELD lab at Seoul National University aims to design meaningful learning environments with cutting-edge technologies and theories in formal and informal learning contexts. The TELD has four research focuses: (1) online learning environments, (2) authentic learning and problem solving, (3) computer-supported collaborative learning, and (4) learning analytics and personalized learning. We have conducted several studies to design learning environments for problem-based learning, collaborative learning, and situated learning. In addition, we have investigated how people learn in online environments through applying mixed-methods research and learning analytics, which often leads to the new design of instruction and learning. (Blog: http://snuteld.blogspot.kr).

A new book is published in 2022!!

인공지능 시대 교사가 만드는 미래학교


Please feel free to contact Dr. Young Hoan Cho (yhcho95@snu.ac.kr) if you want to know more about the TELD lab. 서울대학교 교육공학 전공 대학원에 진학하고 싶거나 TELD 연구실에 대해서 좀 더 알고 싶은 사람은 조영환 교수님께 연락해 주세요.